当前城市:北京 [切换其它城市] 四川外国语大学家教王教员,商务英语专业家教
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当前位置:家教网首页 > 北京找家教 > 98743号王教员

教员编号: 98743 头像: 王教员
姓名: 王教员
来自省份: 北京
出生年月: 200X 高校: 四川外国语大学
学历: 本科在读 在校大二学生
专业: 商务英语 住址: 朝阳
最近登陆时间: 20-08-11 17:59:08 认证情况: 已通过审核
注册时间:20-08-11 17:58:52

预约该教员 购买课程有优惠 收藏

预约中心电话: 010-64436939 (工作时间:9:00-20:00)(电话预约时,请提供此教员的编号:98743

My name is Wang Manxi, from Beijing,a student of Guang Qumen high school.For policy reasons,my school roll is in 96 middle school,like “the double cultivate plan”. It‘s my honor to have a chance to apply to the job. I believe that I am qualified according to my statements following.
My three years of high school was spent in Beijing, where I have gained solid subject knowledge. What‘s more, I was the representative of Math in my class for three years, which not only strengthened my ability to organize valid activities, but also improved my communicative skill. In senior one,I was selected for Math competition, which enables me to go further in academic areas. My teachers always say that I am a hard-working and determined girl who never give up. I will try every way to solve a difficult math exercise, and I will spare no effort to be better for my dream.
Besides good performance in school, I am also convinced that the activities after school are as the same important. The movies of Marvel are my favorite, whose series of movies broaden my horizons and make me more curious about the cultures of different countries. That‘s one of the reasons why I want to apply this job, where I can communicate with different persons and accept excellent education. I have also started to play piano since I was 5 years old. Music is my friend now. And in particular,I love literature very much.My personal poetry’ publish is making preparations.If you take an interest in it,I’d love to share with you.Besides,Shi Tiesheng is my favorite writer.He teach me the courage when we face challenge,and we should cherish those who love us and those who we love,don’t wait,while now. Then,calligraphy,whatever soft pen or hard pen all is my specially.On the whole,I love and willing to spread Chinese traditional culture.And I also like recite,I particular a recital contest in senior two,and have a high evaluation.In addition,I have been the compere as for may times.Love make me love life.In
可授课区域: 朝阳,东城,崇文 可辅导方式: 本人上门
所获证书: 英语四级
家教简历: 6年经历,小学三年级开始,现已直升进入重点高中
薪水要求: 执行易教网家教标准 查看易教网薪水标准
可教授科目: 幼儿陪读, 益智, 才艺, 创意, 手工, 小学全科, 小学英语, 小学英文版教材, 初一初二语文, 初一初二英语, 初一初二数学, 精准普通话,


  1. 姓名高校专业学历时间
  2. 裴教员 山西师范大学 学前教育本科毕业03-07
  3. 肖教员 中国社会科学院大学 英语本科在读04-13
  4. 闫教员 北京化工大学 化工机械本科在读01-13
  5. 霍教员 云南大学 心理学本科在读01-14
  6. 王教员 北京城市学院 金融学本科在读05-29
  7. 王教员   幼小衔接拼音大专毕业08-22
  8. 刘教员 岭南师范学院 英语(师范)本科在读10-09
  9. 张教员 沈阳工程学院 计算机科学与技术本科毕业10-11
  10. 钱教员 闽南师范大学 食品质量与安全本科在读10-13
  11. 舒教员 四川美术学院 艺术教育本科在读10-13


  1. 田教员 伦敦政治经济学院 会议口译
  2. 史老师 中学二级教师
  3. 林教员 广东酒店管理职业技术学院 软笔书法
  4. 刘老师 尚无职称等级
  5. 焦教员 天津工业大学 日语
  6. 刘教员 首都医科大学 五年制临床医学
  7. 郑教员 郑州财经学院 投资学
  8. 董教员 岭南师范学院 汉语言文学(师范)
  9. 胡教员 上海大学 金融学
  10. 阿教员 淮北师范大学 汉语言文学(师范)
推荐科目: 篮球老师 书法老师 舞蹈老师 体育老师 围棋老师 俄语老师 游泳老师 语文老师 英语老师 物理老师 化学老师 生物老师 架子鼓老师 数学老师 雅思老师 托福老师 羽毛球老师 日语老师 钢琴老师 美术老师 小提琴老师 古筝老师 小学老师 初中老师 高中老师 高考老师 编程老师 作文老师 陪读老师
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