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当前位置:家教网首页 > 家庭教育 > 父母可以随意打骂孩子吗


【来源:易教网 更新时间:2024-03-02

Can Parents Freely Use Physical Punishment and Verbal Abuse as Means of Educating Their Children?

No, parents cannot freely use physical punishment and verbal abuse on their children.

Every action that parents take towards their children, whether it is for protection or education, plays a crucial role in their growth and development. Parents often resort to physical punishment and verbal abuse to punish their children for being disobedient or causing trouble, aiming to educate them to correct their bad habits. While the intention is educational, it can unintentionally harm the children in certain situations. Therefore, physical punishment and verbal abuse as means of education are not advisable.

Frequent physical punishment and verbal abuse from parents can cause harm to children.

Because children fear physical punishment, regardless of whether the parents are right or wrong, the children will obey their parents. Over time, the children will become insecure and weak. Moreover, if parents frequently physically punish and verbally abuse their children, the children will feel lonely and helpless. They will develop low self-esteem, lack confidence in their abilities, and have difficulty in communicating and playing with other children.

Children who are frequently physically punished and verbally abused at home are more prone to developing lying habits and experiencing physical and mental harm.

It also affects their emotional intelligence and intellectual development. As parents, we need to understand that physical punishment and verbal abuse severely damage the self-esteem of children.

Physically punishing children seriously damages their self-esteem.

Some children become even more rebellious as a result, progressing from defiance and resistance to giving up completely. Others, under the pressure from their parents, may appear submissive on the surface but remain resentful inside. They learn to navigate situations based on others' moods, developing negative traits. These are all detrimental to children's growth. Therefore, as parents, we should adopt effective methods of family education to guide our children and help them grow healthy.

Effective methods of family education include:

1. Allowing children to have free playtime without strict schedules.

All children need some spontaneous playtime. Renowned childhood education scholars believe that free play is more beneficial for preschool children than planned activities. Therefore, as parents, we should avoid filling our children's schedules with various activities. All children need some spontaneous playtime.

2. Developing good habits requires cultivation and cannot be achieved through simple reminders from parents.

Take reading, for example. In the initial stages of cultivating a reading habit in children, parents should first make sure the child is interested in reading. The best way to do this is to be a role model and show a love for reading, thus inspiring the child to develop an interest in reading.



  1. 于教员 中国协和医科大学 护理学
  2. 史老师 中学高级教师
  3. 吴教员 湖北第二师范学院 数据科学与大数据技术
  4. 周教员 中央民族大学 新闻传播学
  5. 白教员 北京城市学院 艺术设计
  6. 张教员 中国艺术研究院 美术与书法
  7. 高教员 首都师范大学 政治学与行政学
  8. 吴教员 兰州文理学院 翻译
  9. 宋教员 江西理工大学 化学工程与工艺
  10. 马教员 首都医科大学 中药学
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