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当前位置:家教网首页 > 家庭教育 > 英语热词:父母怀里的“袋鼠族”Kangaroo generation

英语热词:父母怀里的“袋鼠族”Kangaroo generation

【来源:易教网 更新时间:2017-11-22


Kangaroo generation is known because its members still live with their parents. So, why young adults still living with their parents? Comfort? Convenience?


Or just because they do not want to take responsibilities? Nowadays it is common to see young adults living with their parents, but it affects quite a lot their future lives. Most of them decide to stay under the influence of their parents because they want to; the other part have no other choice.


A good number of young graduated are still living under their parents “protection”; the main two reasons for this phenomenon are the employment issue and comfort.




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