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当前位置:家教网首页 > 家庭教育 > 代词(四)


【来源:易教网 更新时间:2008-05-26
内 容 提 要

指 示 代 词

1) Today’s libraries differ greatly from ?????? .
[A] the past [B] those of the past [C] that are past [D] those past
2) The amount of money spent on cosmetics, according to some authorities, has exceeded spent on public health.
[A] one
[B] those
[C] it
[D] that
3) The culture and customs of America are more like of England than of any other country.
[A] that
[B] what
[C] which
[D] those

1) B为正确答案。此题中的differ from意为“不同于”,相比较的对象为“现代的图书馆”与“以往的图书馆”,故应选B ,用those代替前面提到的libraries(复数)。
2) D为正确答案。“has exceeded”“超过,超越”,空档后“spent on public health”作定语,而空档处是代词代替“The amount of monay”,这是不可数名词,所以“[A] one”和“[B] those”均不符合条件。“[C] it”也不对,it代词代“the amount of money spent on cosmetics,”那么空档后的“spent on public health”显然与“spent on cosmetics”相矛盾。所以C也不对。
3) D为正确答案。“what”和“which”为连接和关系代词,“that”指代单数,而空档处是代前边的“The clture and customs of America”,所以应当用复数代词those。

4) Numerous efforts have been made [A] to improve [B] the laws governing [C] air pollution, but none have been as successful as them [D] devised by the state of Oregon.
5) An internationally famous ballerina [A] , Maria Tallchief demonstrated [B] that the quality of ballet in the United States could equal those [C] of the ballet in Europe [D] .
6) Since the job was going to be [A] difficult, he asked only [B] them [C] he trusted to assist him [D] .
7) Forest animals [A] utilize the sense [B] of smell less [C] than them [D] in the countryside.

4) D错。 改为those。这里“those”与“none”同指,都代“the laws”。
5) C错。 改为that,代“the quality。”
6) C错。改为those。C处作“asked”的宾语,又作“he trusted to assist him”的先行词。
7) D 错。 改为those。

8) Let us take a serious, reasonable look at what the results might be if proposal were accepted.
[A] so many
[B] a so many
[C] a such
[D] such a
9) Although signs of dishonesty in school, business, and government seem much more numerous in recent years than in the past, could it be that we are getting better at revealing dishonesty?
[A] so
[B] those
[C] such
[D] such a

8) D为正确答案。
9) C为正确答案。



  1. 李教员 中国农业大学 食品科学与工程
  2. 王教员 首都师范大学 小学教育
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  4. 牛老师 尚无职称等级
  5. 张教员 英国桑德兰大学 英文, 商务管理
  6. 赵教员 肇庆学院 金融数学
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