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当前位置:家教网首页 > 家庭教育 > 09.8.22雅思听力写作预测


【来源:易教网 更新时间:2009-08-18


v30019; v30040s2,s4; v30041s2,s4; v30042s1,s3,s4; v30043s3,s4; v30045s1,s3,s4; v30058s1,s3; v30060s1,s3,s4; v30064s1,s2,s3; v30083s1,s3,s4; v30085s2,s3;  v30086s1,s2,s3; v40110s2,s3; v50101s1,s3; v50112s4; v50121s4; v50127s3; v50130s2,s3; v50134s4; v50147s2,s3; v30020; v30090s2,s3,s4;
v06110s1,s2; v06134s1,s3; v06141s1,s2,s3; v06144s1,s2; v06148s4; v07134s2,s3,s4; v07138s2,s3; v07141s1,s2; v07143s1,s4; v07147s1,s4; v08120s2,s4; v08129s1,s4; v08130s4; v08134s3,s4; v08135s1,s4; v08136s2,s3; v08138s1,s2; v08140s2,s3,s4; v08143s1,s3; v08144s2,s4; v50233s2,s4 v08145s1,s2; v08146s1,s2; v08417s1,s2,s3; v30018;  v30032s1,s3; v30033s1,s3,s4; v30034s1,s3,s4; v30036s1,s3,s4; v30037s1,s3,s4; v30038s1,s2,s3; v30039s1,s3; v30044s1,s2,s3; v30049s1,s2,s3; v30059s2,s4; v30061s1,s2,s4; v30062s2,s3,s4; v30072s1,s3,s4; v30074s1,s3,s4; v30076s1,s3,s4; v30078s1,s2,s4; v30080s1,s2,s3; v30081


1.  mobile phones and the internet are very useful. however, it is rare for the old people to use them.  in what ways can mobile phones and the internet be useful to the old people? what could be done to encourage the old people to use mobile phones and the internet?

2.  once children start school, the teachers have more influence on their intellectual and social development than parents do. to what extent do you agree or disagree?

3.  recent statistics show that the crimes committed by the young people in the major city of the world are on the increase. give your analysis of the reasons and the solutions.

4.  now because of the improved technology communication and transport, people can choose anywhere to live or work. do its advantages outweigh the disadvantages?



  1. 刘教员 燕京大学 美术
  2. 杨老师 尚无职称等级
  3. 孟教员 安徽工程大学 建筑学
  4. 申教员 北方工业大学 电气
  5. 赵教员 辽宁大学 英语专业
  6. 周老师 尚无职称等级
  7. 李教员 云南大学 化学工程与工艺
  8. 王教员 北京外国语大学 信息管理与信息系统
  9. 许教员 中国医科大学 生命科学
  10. 何教员 北京理工大学 信息与计算科学
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