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双语:为重获品牌声望 寇驰从北美商场大规模撤出

【来源:易教网 更新时间:2018-05-16

Coach is going First Class.


The leather-goods maker will no longer sell its handbags and purses at some "lower volume" department stores, the company announced Tuesday. The move comes in response to the brand's perceived diluted appeal to wealthier shoppers amid mass market access.


According to Tuesday's announcement, Coach will stop selling to around 250 locations in North America as of 2017, and also strictly control any discounts that department stores can offer.


"While we understand that customers may use department stores for trial and shopping across brands, the high level of promotional impressions created negatively impacts our long-term brand health," said Chief Executive Victor Luis during a conference call with analysts this week.

本周,寇驰首席执行官维克多 路易斯在与分析师的一次电话会议中表示:“尽管我们理解客户可在百货公司的不同品牌之间进行试用及购买,深刻的促销印象对我们品牌的长期健康产生了负面影响。”

Once a category crusher, the 75-year-old company was forced to rethink its strategy in 2014 after reporting four straight quarterly losses, with shares falling a total of 39 percent that year.

这个拥有75年历史的公司曾是行业老大, 2014年却连续四个季度报告亏损且股价下跌39%,不得不重新考虑其品牌战略。

Those losses were partially attributed to the fact that Coach's loyal clientele had increasingly turned up its nose at the once-prestigious brand, whose less pricey CC line has been purchased in droves by younger consumers at steep discounts in malls and outlets.


After the appointment of Stuart Vevers as executive creative director in 2013, Coach started a "re-platforming" of its brand. The company closed down one-fifth of its North American retail stores and renovated high-traffic, high-value stores (such as Rodeo Drive) to exude "warmth" and "modern luxury," while returning to the company's original horse and coach logo — along with its upper crust equestrian connotations.

2013年,斯图尔特 维佛斯被任命为执行创意总监后,寇驰开始其品牌的“平台再造”。寇驰关闭了北美零售店的五分之一,并整修了其高流量、高价值的专卖店(如罗迪欧大道店),以彰显其“温暖”和“现代奢华”的风格,并重新使用寇驰原来的马和四轮马车的标志——及其上流社会座驾的内涵。

The company also cut 150 jobs and started to phase out its lower-priced purses and handbag lines.


The strategy seems to be working. Business has picked up, with sales soaring by 15 percent this quarter — demonstrating that consumers are buying in to the renewed cachet.


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