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当前位置:家教网首页 > 家庭教育 > 你想过没 韦氏词典是怎样收录历年新词的?

你想过没 韦氏词典是怎样收录历年新词的?

【来源:易教网 更新时间:2018-03-29

During last year’s presidential debates, and through this year’s inauguration, Merriam-Webster has been an active presence on Twitter, sharing words experiencing an uptick in search, or funny, relevant trivia.


You might even say the dictionary provided a safe space on social media, or “a place (as on a college campus) intended to be free of bias, conflict, criticism, or potentially threatening actions, ideas, or conversations.”


It’s fitting, then, that “safe space” is among the 1,000 new additions Merriam-Webster made to its online dictionary today. The word was first used in 1970, and has been used by colleges post-election to describe themselves as campuses that will protect students who might feel in danger due to their religious beliefs, sexual orientation, race or gender.

后来,韦氏词典就把“safe space”(安全空间)这个词收录到现今在线词典的1000个新增词条中,这也是十分恰当的。1970年,这个词被第一次使用,大选后,大学就用这个词来称自己为“保护那些因个人宗教信仰、性取向、种族或性别而感到危险的学生的校园”。

Not all of the added words have been around for decades. Some of them, like “binge-watch” and “photobomb,” are products of newer technologies, but saw big spikes in recent use.


In an announcement, Merriam-Webster explained its methodology: “In some cases, terms have been observed for years and are finally being added; in others, the fast rise and broad acceptance of a term has made for a quicker journey.”


In a statement to The Huffington Post, Merriam-Webster’s editor-at-large Peter Sokolowski added that the words announced today were added to the dictionary’s digital pages. “The online dictionary gives us both more space to expand entries and a way to add them more quickly,” he said.


Other entries are updates of pre-existing words, such as “ghost” used as an informal verb, and “train wreck” used metaphorically to describe “an utter disaster or mess.”

其他词条是对现有词汇的更新,如“ghost”(悄悄地行进)这个词被用作一个非正式的动词,而“train wreck”则被比喻为“一场彻底的灾难或混乱”。

The new additions come from medicine, sports, literature, fashion, politics and technology. One even comes from the name of a prolific word inventor — “Seussian,” meaning “suggestive of the works of Dr. Seuss.”




  1. 孟教员 北京城市学院 翻译
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  5. 林教员 广东酒店管理职业技术学院 软笔书法
  6. 刘老师 尚无职称等级
  7. 焦教员 天津工业大学 日语
  8. 刘教员 首都医科大学 五年制临床医学
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  10. 董教员 岭南师范学院 汉语言文学(师范)
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