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当前位置:家教网首页 > 家庭教育 > 双语:史上最高气温出现,53度!伊朗人很无奈


【来源:易教网 更新时间:2018-08-16


The temperature in the Iranian city of Ahvaz climbed Thursday to a blistering 129 degrees, a record high for the Middle Eastern country and among the hottest temperatures ever recorded on Earth.


Etienne Kapikian, a meteorologist, posted to Twitter that the temperature officially reached 53.7 degrees Celsius, or 128.7 degrees Fahrenheit. It is also the hottest recorded June temperature in Asia, according to Kapikian.


The previous record high in Iran was 127.4, set in 2011 and tied in August 2014.


Weather Underground’s website listed the high temperature in Ahvaz on Thursday as 129.2 degrees. With humidity, the heat index reached an astounding 142.1 degrees Fahrenheit.


The World Meteorological Organization officially lists Earth’s all-time high temperature as 134 degrees Fahrenheit, recorded in 1913 in Death Valley, California. But that record has been the subject of much debate.


Weather Underground weather historian Christopher Burt lists the “hottest reliably measured temperature on Earth” at 129.2 degrees Fahrenheit, recorded in Death Valley in June 2013 and Mitribah, Kuwait, in July 2016.


Climate scientists warn that extreme heat will continue to worsen as human activity drives global climate change.


Last week, extreme heat scorched the U.S. Southwest. In Death Valley, the temperature soared to 127 degrees. And in Phoenix, American Airlines canceled flights as temperatures edged toward 120 degrees — beyond the point that certain types of commercial aircraft can function.




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