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当前位置:家教网首页 > 家庭教育 > 双语:普京2017新日历亮相 抱小猫孩子大秀温情

双语:普京2017新日历亮相 抱小猫孩子大秀温情

【来源:易教网 更新时间:2018-04-23


Shops all over Russia are preparing themselves for the hottest consumer item this Christmas - the official Vladimir Putin 2017 calendar.


The calendar is a mixture of the Russian leader as a cuddly and affable chap - Putin with a kitten, a crane and a child - and as the Kremlin strongman. He is pictured riding a horse, flying a deltaplane and in the cockpit of a Russian fighter jet.


Some of the pictures could have been mistaken for the calendar of former Soviet leaders Joseph Stalin or Leonid Brezhnev.

有些图片乍一看可能会被错认为前苏联领导人约瑟夫 斯大林或列昂尼德 勃列日涅夫日历上的图片。

In August he is pictured on a combine harvester talking about the wheat harvest and stressing the importance of bread to the Russian people.


The text below the fighter pilot picture in November reads: 'The aim is to create the kind of army which will guarantee Russia's sovereignty, the respect of her partners and a stable peace.'


At the end of the year, looking ahead to 2018 - when Russia will host the World Cup - is a picture of Putin looking a bit like a Russian mafia godfather.


The text with the photograph may be of special interest to people in Ukraine, Syria and whoever takes up office in the White House in January.


It says: 'Russia is a peace-loving and a self-sufficient country. We do not need other people's territories, he says. We don't need other people's natural resources. But if we are threatened we are prepared to use weapons to guarantee our security.'


Last year CNN reported that the 2016 calendar showed a picture of President Putin cuddling a fluffy puppy, with the words: 'Dogs and I have very warm feelings for one another.'


Don't tell the kitten.




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