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当前位置:家教网首页 > 家庭教育 > 双语阅读:美国传教士三遭恐袭而大难不死


【来源:易教网 更新时间:2018-01-12


An American Mormon missionary was injured in the Brussels airport terrorist attack after having previously survived the Boston bombing and the Paris attacks.


Mason Wells, 19, suffered a ruptured Achilles tendon, injuries from shrapnel and second- and third-degree burns on his face and hands after the bombing.


Two missionaries who were with Mason also suffered injuries, but survived.


'This is his third terrorist attack,' Chad Wells, Mason's father, told ABC News.


'We live in a dangerous world and not everyone is kind and loving.'


Chad said he and Mason were a block away from the finish line of the Boston Marathon, where the bombing took place, waiting for Mason's mother, Kymberly Wells, who was a runner.


'It had shaken their bodies and he had taken Mason to our hotel and said to stay there. 'Mason was very calm and composed,' Kymberly told ABC News.


Mason is currently in a Belgian hospital and is expected to make a full recovery, he told his parents. He was at 'ground zero' of the blast zone when the bombs went off.


Chad said a Mormon official relayed to the Wells family that Mason, 'despite being on the ground and bleeding actually had a sense of humor and remained calm through the situation'.


'Mason has always assured us that he is safe and careful.


'I told him first and foremost always be aware of your surroundings, please be very careful when you're traveling be very observant to people around you,' Kymberly said.


The teen was also in Paris last year during the attacks.


'He shared with us that he was extremely close to the blast where he was burned by it,' Chad said.


'It's a blessing from God he's alive.'


Two explosions ripped through the departures terminal in the Brussels Airport during a suicide bomb attack this morning, killing at least 34 people and injuring dozens of others.



Achilles tendon: 跟腱

shrapnel: 弹片



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