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【来源:易教网 更新时间:2012-11-30

        argument 的题库有174topic,但是如果仔细钻研,我们会发现很多题目出的逻辑错误是一致的,也就是说考生可以以不变应万变,用相同的逻辑错误的题眼去回答n个题目的,这argument,这样看来argument也不难。而且argument的题目文字比较丰富,题目讲述的比较清楚,考生应该多多练习逻辑错误的应用,熟练掌握各种逻辑错误,而且准确的表达出来,一般不会低于4分,如果希望4.5+的话,需要至少每种逻辑错误练4篇文章,一共40篇,才能稳拿4.5+ argument 的难度比issue的题目简单很多,本着换汤不换药的原则,逻辑错误的类型数量有限,直接往题目里套答案即可。备考过程中熟练理解备考的7种常见的逻辑错误,应用相关的模版套入,写作时间是30分钟。运用经典的5段式作文模板去写,但是考生注意的是,要加入自己的ideas 和自己运用的论述,不能一味的套用模版,显得文章空洞乏味。行文中针对漏洞去攻击,考生一定要反复反复再反复的练习,方能运用自如,考试时候做到左右逢源。




merely based on unfounded assumption and dubious evidence, the stamen draws a conclusion that_________   to support the conclusion, the arguer points out evidence that:____________. in addition, he or she indicates that_________. furthermore, he cites the result of recent survey in support of his recommendation. at first glance, the author’s argument appears to be somewhat convincing, but further reflection reveals that it omits some substantial concerns that should be addressed to substantiate the argument. as far as i am concerned, the argument suffers from_________ logical flaws.



to sum up, this arguer fails to substantiate in claim that_____________, because the evidences cited in the analysis do not lend strong support to what the arguer maintains. to make the argument more convincing, the arguer would have to provide more information with regard to _________. additionally, he would have to demonstrate that____________. therefore, if the argument had included the given factors discussed above, it would have been more thorough and logically acceptable.

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