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当前位置:家教网首页 > 家庭教育 > 看故事轻松快乐学英语之“犹豫不决”


【来源:易教网 更新时间:2012-07-25


  hem and haw


  the 'you' is a kind of wild animal which is by nature extremely suspicious.


  whenever it hears a sound, it immediately becomes afraid, suspecting that there is a hunter nearby who is trying to catch it, or another animal that wants to harm it. it runs up into a tree and hides, peeking out its head and scanning all around.


  after a while it climbs back down, looking here and looking there.


  only when it is sure that there is nothing around does it finally begin to relax.


  but then pretty soon, it will again grow afraid, and running up into a tree, begin the same routine all over again.


  time and time again, the 'you' repeats this, with the result that it spends half of its day running up and down trees, and wastes a lot of energy.


  so, when someone is very hesitant, and cannot make a decision, others often say of this person that 'the 'you' cannot decide."



  英语中“犹豫不决”对应的表达可以用“hem and haw”,在这儿hem和haw这两个词都是模拟人们在开口说话前清理嗓子和鼻腔的声音。我们时而会这样做,尤其当自己确定不了该说什么才恰当的时候,更会如此。久而久之,人们就用hem and haw来描述犹豫不决或者踌躇不前了。

  我们来看两个例子。第一个例子说到个十六岁的男孩正努力说服爸爸让他去考汽车驾照。我们知道美国不少地区规定至少得满十六足岁才 能开车。

  i keep asking dad to let me get my license. but all he does is hem and haw and then end up saying he wants to think it over some more.


  这位爸爸显然是下不了决心,害怕刚够开车年龄的儿子开车闯祸,所以这段话里的hem and haw意思是支吾其词、拖延犹豫。

  我们再看个也用上了hem and haw这个习惯用语的例子。这回是新闻记者在说一名参议员不敢直截了当地回答记者关于他在下届改选中作何打算的问题。

  he keeps hemming and hawing about whether he'll run for another term. but i'd bet money that sooner or later he'll run all right - where else could he get a job as good?


  这名参议员跟多数政界人物一样,说话经常会给自己留有余地,不愿意把话说定了。所以这里的hemming and hawing意思也是含糊其辞、不明确表示他的决定。



  1. 张教员 中国石油大学(北京) 材料科学与工程
  2. 唐教员 北京师范大学 汉语言文学
  3. 孔教员 安阳学院 数学与应用数学
  4. 刘教员 北方工业大学 法学
  5. 吕教员 北京科技大学 材料成型及控制工程
  6. 时教员 中央财经大学 会计学
  7. 李教员 西安工业大学 网络工程
  8. 胡教员 对外经济贸易大学 金融学
  9. 刘教员 华北电力大学(北京) 环境工程
  10. 胡老师 幼儿教师
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