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¡¾À´Ô´£ºÒ×½ÌÍø ¸üÐÂʱ¼ä£º2008-05-26¡¿

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¡¡¡¡Part ¢õ Writing (30 minutes)

¡¡¡¡Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Harmfulness of Fake Commodities. You should write at least 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:

¡¡¡¡1. Ä¿Ç°Éç»áÉÏÓв»ÉÙ¼ÙðαÁÓÉÌÆ·(fake commodities)¡£ÎªÊ²Ã´»áÓÐÕâÖÖÏÖÏó?

¡¡¡¡2. ¾ÙÀý˵Ã÷¼ÙðαÁÓÉÌÆ·¶ÔÏû·ÑÕ߸öÈË¡¢Éç»áµÈµÄΣº¦¡£

¡¡¡¡Harmfulness of Fake Commodities


¡¡¡¡Each individual encounters such troubles as sickness and discomfort situations in his or her development. Similarly, each society is inevitably harmfully impacted by immoral or even illegal economic activities in the process of its evolvement. The most notorious and harmful among these despicable actives are fake commodities.

¡¡¡¡Fake commodities, like a virus that intrudes and cripples an organism, exert alarmingly detrimental influences on each individual consumer, the community, and the social mores as well.

¡¡¡¡They directly hurt the consumers by providing products that are priced highly but inferior in quality. Sometimes such products as faked medicine or foods can threaten consumers¡¯ life, needless to mention consumers¡¯ economic loss. The more fake commodities a society has, the more exacerbated the moral and ethic in that society.

¡¡¡¡What the society must immediately address is to minimize the quantity of any fake commodities and eradicate any opportunity to manufacture them. 146 words ×¢ÒâÏÖÔÚµÄ×÷ÎÄÒªÇó×ÖÊýÔö¼Óµ½ÁË200×Ö×óÓÒ¡£


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¡¡¡¡2. ±È½Ï½á¹¹µÄ¾äÐÍд×÷ѵÁ·

¡¡¡¡3. Ö÷Óï´Ó¾äΪ´ú±íµÄ¸´ÔӾ䷨½á¹¹

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¡¡¡¡Economic boom should bring people a more comfortable and convenient life. Ironically, the more commodities available in a society whose economic fabric is not woven by legal and moral warp and woof , the less and less security the average consumers can have. In fact, even today the public is still jeopardized by fake commodities that flood almost each developing country.

¡¡¡¡Fake commodities directly harm the average individual consumers in a series of ways. First they are usually inferior in quality and thus cannot meet consumers¡¯ ends. Take a fake watch as an example, it is sold at the same price as is the genuine one but seldom can it give time precisely. Secondly, they might threaten consumers¡¯ health and life in case of fake foods, medicine, and beverages. Some patients are seriously endangered by taking fake medicines. Some even lose their life immediately after eating fake soybean sauces and vinegar. The society as a whole is also detrimentally infected by fake commodities as far as the moral and ethic is concerned.

¡¡¡¡Then, how to address this serious problem? Most vital is to legally penalize those who manufacture and trade fake products. Second is to educate people how to tell the facts and fiction.




¡¡¡¡1. Ä¿Ç°Éç»áÉÏÓв»ÉÙ¼ÙðαÁÓÉÌÆ·(fake commodities)¡£ÎªÊ²Ã´»áÓÐÕâÖÖÏÖÏó?

¡¡¡¡2. ¾ÙÀý˵Ã÷¼ÙðαÁÓÉÌÆ·¶ÔÏû·ÑÕ߸öÈË¡¢Éç»áµÈµÄΣº¦¡£






¡¡¡¡·¶ÎÄÈý £¨Ëļ¶£©

¡¡¡¡190 words

¡¡¡¡The society has hundreds and thousands of fake commodities. They are almost everywhere. They are in daily life, hospital, supermarkets, and so on.

¡¡¡¡Why do we have these fake commodities? This question has not only attracted the interests from the scientists but also from the general public. Generally three reasons have been given to explain this phenomenon. First of all, fake commodities are usually profitable. They are lower in cost and of course, in quality, but are high in price. Secondly, the society often finds it hard to help consumers to tell fake ones from the genuine goods. Third, legal restrictions against fake commodities are not work at all or work with lower efficiency.

¡¡¡¡Fake commodities do harm to the human life. They can damage the life or ruin one¡¯s happiness, depending on what kind of fake commodities consumers have bought. They can also damage the society as a whole if the fake commodities are not restricted by governments or other agencies. Fake medicines are a typical example. Today, even in the field of academic, fake papers are not uncommon. All these fake commodities exert negative impacts on human civilization.
·¶ÎÄËÄ £¨Áù¼¶£©£º 258 words

¡¡¡¡Fake commodities seem to flood into each corner of daily life. Worse they even stream into academic institutions evidenced by the fact that some professors plagiarize papers. We have fake clothes with brand name. We have fake medicines which are openly sold in hospitals. We also have some fake computers and TV sets. In one word, fake commodities are almost everywhere.

¡¡¡¡Then we naturally ask: Why do fake commodities flow into the supermarkets? The flood is so overwhelming that both the sociologists and the general public have to dig the root reasons. On the basis of scientific research and survey, scholars discover that among the diverse array of contributing factors, the major one is that the society in which the fake commodities are flooding is usually short of an effective legal system to control or guide the markets. Another reason, similarly vital, states that the social and economic order is maintained by, to a considerable extent, ethic and moral. But the moral and value system becomes fragile when subject to a market characterized and dominated by the cold cash. Economic models have been put forward to provide theories to account fro why fake commodities can negative influence a society to such an extent. Of courses many other reasons also play their roles.

¡¡¡¡The harmful impacts exerted by fake commodities on the social and economic development can be alarmingly destructive. Not only can they directly harm the consumers¡¯ benefits and rights but also they collapse a civilization provided that the government has no effective measures to address this problem.







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