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“七年之痒”易过 “十二年之痒”是难关

【来源:易教网 更新时间:2010-07-19

  seven-years has traditionally been the time when love and affection give way to disillusion and disappointment。

  but couples who manage to survive the seven-year itch would be wise not to get complacent。

  the biggest threat to modern marriages actually comes from the 12-year itch, research has revealed。

  the majority of couples who divorce have now spent more than a decade together before going their separate ways。

  and they are increasingly likely to cite 'growing apart' or 'falling out of love' as the cause of their split。

  there has been a four-fold increase in couples breaking up for these reasons in the last two years, amid increasing financial strain on families。

  but infidelity is still responsible for more than a quarter of divorces. the seven-year itch - or the theory that adultery becomes impossible to resist after seven years - got its name from the 1950s film starring marilyn monroe。

  the study by the grant thornton accountancy group, which was based on a survey of 90 of the country's biggest family law firms, echoed figures released last year which showed that marriages are most likely to fall apart around the 12-year mark。

  sally longworth, of grant thornton's forensic and investigation services, said: 'this rather dispels the age-old myth about marriages failing after seven years。

  'it is impossible to put any scientific reasoning on why certain marriages succeed and others fail.'












  1. 史老师 中学二级教师
  2. 林教员 广东酒店管理职业技术学院 软笔书法
  3. 刘老师 尚无职称等级
  4. 焦教员 天津工业大学 日语
  5. 刘教员 首都医科大学 五年制临床医学
  6. 郑教员 郑州财经学院 投资学
  7. 董教员 岭南师范学院 汉语言文学(师范)
  8. 胡教员 上海大学 金融学
  9. 阿教员 淮北师范大学 汉语言文学(师范)
  10. 王教员 东北林业大学 生物学
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