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当前位置:家教网首页 > 家庭教育 > 名师:摆脱蹩脚英语之Wait


【来源:易教网 更新时间:2009-09-10

  expressions that mean wait

  these expressions are generally used to ask someone to slow down or wait for you to catch up。

  hold it. eg. hold it. we forgot to lock the door。

  hold up. eg. hey, everyone! hold up! wait for me。

  wait up. eg. wait up. i’m coming with you。

  slow down. eg. would you slow down and wait? i can’t walk that fast。

  whoa. (word used to slow or stop a horse) eg. whoa! what’s the big hurry?

  the rest of the expressions in this section have a variety of functions they’re used to:

  tell someone who has interrupted you to wait

  reply to someone who asks you to hurry

  reassure someone who is waiting for service

  ask someone to hold on the phone

  ask others for patience

  note: the expressions are shown with the word minute, but you can also say second or sec (short for second­)

  just a minute eg. just a minute. i’m almost ready。

  wait a minute eg. wait a minute. i’ll talk to you when i finish this math problem。

  hang on (a minute) eg. hang on a minute. i’ll call her to the phone。

  hold on (a minute) eg. if you hold on a minute, then i’ll be able to help you。

  the two expressions that follow also mean to wait, but they are less polite:

  what’s the (big) rush? or what’s the (big) hurry? eg. hey, what’s the big rush? there’s plenty of time。

  hold your horses. eg. hold your horses! i’ll be there in a minute。



  1. 张教员 中国石油大学(北京) 材料科学与工程
  2. 唐教员 北京师范大学 汉语言文学
  3. 孔教员 安阳学院 数学与应用数学
  4. 刘教员 北方工业大学 法学
  5. 吕教员 北京科技大学 材料成型及控制工程
  6. 时教员 中央财经大学 会计学
  7. 李教员 西安工业大学 网络工程
  8. 胡教员 对外经济贸易大学 金融学
  9. 刘教员 华北电力大学(北京) 环境工程
  10. 胡老师 幼儿教师
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