家教首页>北京家教 >家教礼仪




101.    He often ________(抱怨) about people around him.

102.    He c________ at his dog's _________(死).

103.    China is a __________(发展) country, unlike Japan.

104.    English used to be d_________for me, but now it is easy.

105.    ---Do your b_______ to finish the work ahead of time!   ---I will.

106.    __________(友谊) between Chinese people and American people will last long.

107.    Beijing's d_________ of Olympic Games has finally come true.

108.    I don't like e________ of the two films because neither of them is interesting.

109.    ---Did you enjoy y_________ in the park?  --- Yes, we all had a good time.

110.    He is l________.He enjoys doing nothing.

111.    Wow! You've become ________(胖的) than before? How?

112.    Wu Ke has won the first place. She deserves it because she is the most h____________ girl in the class.

113.    There's a pain in the head. He has a h_________.

114.    The children h________ themselves behind the wall and couldn't be found.

115.    The more you learn about the ________ (历史)of Ningbo, the more you'll become interested in it.

116.    Our school h________ a sports meeting last week.

117.    He fell off the tree and was h_________,but not badly.

118.    Water came in through the hole and soon the boat began to s________(go down).

119.    He is trying to i_________ his English so that he can pass IELTS.

120.    I wished to be a teacher when I was young. I_______, I became a doctor.

121.    After a two-year- study of English, I became i__________ in the language.

122.    Another man was k_________and two were injured in the traffic accident.

123.    We borrow books from the l_________.

124.    Ningbo l_______ in the east of the province.

125.    I found a man _________(躺) dead on the road and I called the police.

126.    The doctor saved many people's l_________.

127.    He got l________ in the forest and couldn't find his way back home.

128.    He was late and m_______ the early bus.

129.    The child is m_______. The police are still looking for him.

130.    Tom lives next door to me. We are n__________.

131.    They are too n_______. Ask them to keep quiet.

132.    The machine is working ________(吵闹).

133.    The Summer P________ is one of the attractions in Beijing.

133.    The Summer P________ is one of the attractions in Beijing.

134.    A n_______ is a person who helps doctors in a hospital.

135.    He refused to answer my question because it was too _________(个人的).

136.    He plays the p_______ and his brother plays the violin.

137.    On April Fool Day people play j________ on each other.

138.    ---Are you pleased with your trip?   ---Yes. We had a p________ trip.

139.    Behave _________(礼貌), and try to be a_______(礼貌) boy

140.    Her nice___________(发音)impressed all the listeners.

141.    The rich should do something to help the p_______.

142.    Please p________ the door. Don't pull it!

143.    Keep q________! Stop making any noise!

144.    He walked out q/s_________ without making any sound.

145.    We r________ the station in time for the last train.

146.    Something is wrong with the MP4 player. I will have it r________/f________/m_______.

147.    ---When was your s_______ day in life? ---- The day my mother died.

148.    We had different ideas. So we q_________ with each other.

149.    He looks ________(严肃), but he is kind-hearted and friendly.

150.    The jacket is much too large. Do you have a bigger s_______ of the same colour?

151.    The meat s________ terrible. You can't eat it.

152.    He was ill in h__________.

153.    The problem is hard to s_________.

154.    To everyone's _________(惊奇), the laziest boy won the competition.

155.    Everyone felt_________(惊奇) that the laziest boy won the competition.

156.    What _________ (惊奇)news it is! No one could believe it.

157.    The young are supposed to o________ their seats to the old on the bus.

158.    English people like _________ (熟食)food.

159.    Go and see your d________ if you are ill.

160.    Take enough e_______ if you want to keep fit.

161.    He is not s________ for the job. I will ask someone else to do it.

162.    He teaches ________ (我) English.

163.    He saved me. I was t________ to him.

164.    One of his ________(牙齿) is hurting badly.

165.    There are many p________ of interest in Ningbo, many of which attract v________ from home and abroad.

166.    There are lots of passengers in the ________ (等待) room of the station.

166.    There are lots of passengers in the ________ (等待) room of the station.

167.    I found a w________ on the way back home. But there was no money in it.

168.    He became ________(虚弱) after a serious illness.

169.    You can't w_______ every time. Try again and you'll make it.

170.    I came to work w_________ breakfast. I feel a little h_________now.

171.    The harder you work at your lessons, the ________(好) you'll be at them.

172.    Books can be _________(借) for as long as a week.

173.    The cotton coats are _________(便宜)than the woolen one.

174.    You must keep your eyes c________ while the game is on.

175.    He brought out his d__________ and looked up the new word.

176.    Tell me the __________(区别) between the twins.

177.    When d_________ see the sign, they must slow down their cars.

178.    My father gets up e_________ and goes to bed latest in the family t.

179.    The job can be done e________. You know it is a piece of a cake.

180.    Lesson Five is the _________(容易) of Book III.

181.    J________ , which comes between Dcecmber and February,is the first month of the year

182.    Hong Zhanhui has set a good _________(榜样) for the young.

183.    We walk with our f_______. We go to school on f________.

184.    Have you been abroad?   Yes, I have been to many c_________.

185.    ---Would you like some more?   ---Thanks. I am f_______?

186.    Our teacher is f________ and kind to us.

187.    Have a r______ if you feel tired.

188.    ---Can you help me mend the phone, please?   ---I'm a________ not.

189.    If you are ill, go to the d________ or the h_______.

190.    People buy and sell things in the m________.

191.    We have three m_______, breakfast, lunch and supper.

192.    It's ten ________ (分钟) walk.

193.    We get m_______ from cows and p________ from pigs.

194.    Take this m________ and you will feel better.

195.    Hangzhou is the c________ city of Zhejiang.

196.    To travel by train is _______(安全) than bay air.

197.    The plane landed at the airport _________(安全).

198.    We were worried about his ________(安全).

199.    He _______(使用) a lift to go up and down.

199.    He _______(使用) a lift to go up and down.

200.    Chinese can't be _______(使用) in English class.

  1. 中考语文基础知识复习——字形篇
  2. 中考语文单元复习:专题句子连贯与仿句
  3. 中考语文积累与运用复习:口语交际专题训练
  4. 中考语文文学常识复习之考点典题
  5. 中考语文文言文复习要点之“则”
  6. 中考语文一轮复习专项练习卷(十)
  1. 沟通的艺术与技巧:如何与孩子建立良好的交流方式
  2. 小学语文学习方法:抓好写字训练
  3. 理智追星,助力成长:从偶像身上学习成功的秘诀
  4. 整理书桌,提升学习效率
  5. 6岁宝宝的成长与社交技能的培养
  6. 给妈妈的调皮宝宝管教建议书
  7. 培养责任感与自然后果法
  8. 中考的意义,分层与选拔寻找适合自己的路
  9. 中考语文必背文言文实词解析与应用
  10. 化学元素的奥秘与应用

数学 语文 英语 物理 历史 钢琴 美术 北大 清华 中国人大 北京师大